Record of Rozen War - ALiBAT
Record of Rozen War - ALiBAT

Size: 420MB

Winning the game on Nightmare unlocks Hell mode and winning it on any difficulty unlocks KUN KUN!!!! Objectively it's the best game ever. Remember to use Windows XP compatibility mode for Versus mode to work!

Rozen MUGEN Traumend
Rozen MUGEN Traumend

Size: 60.7MB

2D fighting game with 9 characters to choose from and a story mode.

Rozen Diadem
Rozen Diadem

Size: 5.9MB

Bullet hell game that I couldn't get to open. Probably needs a VM.
15citron website


Size: 23MB

You go and slash vegetable...thingies WITH a SWORD

Rozen Maiden Battle Royal – Dear My Kun Kun

Size: 77.4MB

Another fighter fangame

Other software


Size: 15.6MB

Rozen Maiden buddy for your PC! Use this command on lanix to make it work:
wine regsvr32 comdlg32.ocx

WARNING: This one has sound! Don't pet it or it will   D E S U !

Virtual Pet